
What is Kumquat?

Here is everything you need to know about small fruit with great flavor: 

Kumquat is an edible, orange-like fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has a shape and color that looks like an orange, but it's actually quite small. Typically, kumquats are round or rectangular. The English word “kumquat” means “golden orange” or “golden tangerine” which is a Cantonese word. The earliest known reference to Kumquat appeared in the 12th century China. While the Kumquat tree can survive at low temperatures, it produces larger and sweeter fruits in temperate climates.

What are the Benefits of Kumquat?

Kumquats are particularly noteworthy due to their rich source of vitamin C and fiber. Kumquats also provide smaller amounts of vitamin B, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and zinc. Like other fresh fruits, kumquats are about 80% of their weight from water. 

Kumquats have a high water and fiber content and their calories are relatively low. Kumquats are an excellent source of vitamin C. They are also rich in fiber and water, which are foods that help them lose weight.

Kumquat is rich in plant compounds, including flavonoids, phytosterols and essential oils. Since kumquat shells are edible, you can touch the reservoirs of rich plant compounds. These have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties. In some Asian countries, in folk medicine, kumquat has been used to treat colds, coughs and other inflammations of the respiratory tract. Modern science shows that in kumquats there are certain compounds that support your immune system.

How to Eat Kumkuat?

Kumquats are best eaten whole and should not be peeled off. Their sweet taste actually comes from the peel, while the juice is sour. However, many people recommend to put the whole fruit in your mouth and bite, so you can get the flavors better.

How to Use Kumquats?

There are many ways to enjoy cooked kumquat:

The sweet but sour flavor of Kumkuat is perfect for marmalades. As an added bonus, the fruit's seeds contain pectin, which will make your marmalade thicker. Pickles protect the sweetness of kumquat and are easy to make. Strong acidity in kumquats makes them an excellent addition to rich meat dishes, especially beef or lamb.